Underfloor Heating: A Buyer's Guide

Underfloor Heating: A Buyer's Guide

Underfloor heating is changing the game in home and office comfort, becoming a favourite for its efficiency and coziness. Due to the growing interest from you, our customers, we've broadened our range to offer more choices. We also decided to make a blog post to dive into the benefits of underfloor heating and also which to buy and other tips.


Energy Efficiency at Its Best: One thing that truly stands out is how it trims down our energy bills. Testing your home's insulation can ensure you're getting the most out of underfloor heating. It's incredible how it keeps the warmth lingering longer than traditional radiators, keeping the chill at bay even when it's off.


Low Upkeep, High Durability: Whether it's the water-based or electric variety, the low maintenance needs are a real win, largely thanks to the tough polypropylene they're made of. Knowing that many systems come with a 25-year guarantee gives peace of mind about their lasting power.


Economical Warmth: Once seen as a luxury, underfloor heating is now a cost-effective way to heat up our living spaces. It's surprisingly economical, especially with the rising costs of gas—making it an even more appealing choice.


Comfort Like Never Before: The gentle, even warmth underfoot is something you have to feel to believe. It eliminates those pesky cold spots, making every inch of the room comfortably warm—a stark contrast to the uneven heat we often get from radiators.


A Healthier Home: Switching to underfloor heating means a healthier living space. It cuts down on dust and allergens, a big plus for anyone with asthma or allergies. Plus, without radiators, there's no gathering dust or unsightly dirt to worry about.


Tailored Temperature Control: The ability to adjust the temperature room by room is something I can't praise enough. It means personal comfort without compromise, not to mention the savings from not heating unused spaces.


Versatile and Space-Saving: It's a myth that underfloor heating only works with certain floors. It's compatible with nearly any type, from carpet to wood, and frees up space otherwise lost to radiators. This opens up your room for more design freedom or simply more room to breathe.


Seamlessly Stylish and Safe: Without radiators to dictate your decor, your design choices are limitless. Plus, it's safer—no sharp edges or hot surfaces to worry about, making it family-friendly in every sense.

Choosing between water-based and electric systems comes down to your specific needs, but both promise efficiency, durability, and comfort. Whether you're renovating or building new, consider underfloor heating for a touch of everyday luxury that's as practical as it is pleasurable.

It’s a heating solution we think is going to become ever more prevalent due to a multitude of factor such as it being having advantages for the planet, our health, and our pockets. Here's to warmer toes and a cooler planet!


Choosing Your Underfloor heating: Wet vs. Dry: Navigating the choices between electric (dry) and water-based (wet) underfloor heating can feel daunting at first. Electric systems are much simpler to install and quick heat-up times, making them ideal for smaller spaces like an ensuite. Yet, be aware of the prospect of higher running costs.

On the other hand, wet underfloor heating systems, with their intricate network of pipes beneath the floor, offer an efficient and eco-friendly heating solution. Though the initial setup can cost more, especially with potential floor adjustments, the lower operational costs and sustainability make it an investment that will save you in the long run.

The Importance of Insulation: Ensuring your home is well-insulated is crucial for maximizing the underfloor heating system's efficiency. Proper insulation means less heat loss and more comfort, albeit with some additional upfront costs.

Smart Temperature Control: Embracing smart technology for temperature management is an absolute game-changer. Each room can be adjusted to your family’s preferences, all from the convenience of your smartphones. This level of control not only enhances comfort but also contributes to energy savings. View our thermostats...

A Word on DIY: While it could be tempting to install underfloor heating yourself if you are a keen DIY-er, especially with the electric systems, the complexity of installation and the expertise required for optimal performance makes us recommend that you use professional help. Specialists can ensure that everything from boiler capacity to valve controls are perfectly tailored to your home’s needs.

Underfloor heating is a great way to transform your home into a sanctuary of warmth, free from the constraints of traditional heating systems. It’s an investment in comfort and efficiency that continues to pay dividends every chilly morning and cozy evening spent at home. View our underfloor heating range...