Pride Month!

June is the month of the year when rainbow colours decorate our cities and people take to the streets for marches and parades to celebrate Pride. This is a special and important time of the year, however, it is extra special this year as 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March in the UK in 1972! So what is this month all about and how did it start?

The year was 1969, homosexuality and “masquerading” as the opposite sex was illegal and was even seen as a mental illness that could be “cured”. Police raids on gay bars were common and bars were shut down for simply having gay employees or serving anyone who was gay. However, on the night of the 27th of June 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York, the crowds fought back after police raided the Inn for the second time that week.

Accounts of what exactly happened varies greatly, however, many managed to resist arrest and the police even had to barricade themselves into the Stonewall Inn itself until more police officers arrived. Once reinforcement did arrive, it was not until 4am that the riot finally died down. Nevertheless, the Stonewall Inn reopened the following night, with crowds returning in support of the cause shouting “gay power”.

Crowds kept returning to the Stonewall Inn for the next few nights that followed to keep up the momentum of the movement and use it as an opportunity to gain support for gay rights. Although this event in history did not start the gay rights movement, it has been stated to certainly be a turning point.

To mark the event one year after, gay activists set off from the Stonewall Inn to march in what became the first Gay Pride Week of the city. Not only did this march inspire Pride events in other cities such as LA, Chicago and Boston, the Stonewall Riots also sparked the beginning of gay rights movements across the world.

Since the Stonewall Riots, Pride has grown into a global movement fighting for equal rights for LGBTQ+ people around the world. Pride month helps spread information, support and attention for the movement. Furthermore, Pride Month is a celebration of diversity and people supporting each other in love and friendship.

It is also a great time to celebrate the victories this movement has accomplished. For instance, 2017 was an important year for Gay Pride as it marked 50 years since the decriminalisation of 2 men being in a relationship in England and Wales. However, it is also an important time to recognise that there is still a lot still to be done. Although it is now not a crime to be in a gay relationship in the UK, it remains illegal in many other countries.

Furthermore, the UK also has a long way to go. Yes many of the anti-gay laws have been abolished but there is still a problem when it comes to homophobia. Research suggests that in the trade industry, many LGBTQ+ people hide their identities due to worries that it will affect their career opportunities and that they may be subjected to homophobia. To allow people to be their best selves and thus work to the best of their abilities; people need to feel safe, comfortable and supported. There are lots of resources online to help you create an inclusive workplace, however, one major way is to be a people champion. A people champion is someone who tries to lead by example. Therefore, by showing your support for the LGBQT+ community, treating people with respect and being kind; you can truly make a difference in making the workplace a more inclusive place.